AÂ rush of warm air.
I scrape my shoes as I pass inwards,
Letting out a half-sigh as I
Catch a hint of the bitter coffee,
The savoury scent of potatoes and salt.
“Just the piccolo?”
A beaming face greets mine,
Knowing my need before I utter the words.
I am known,
But anonymous,
Tapping away furiously at keys
In the corner.
Vivid masquerade balls have been crafted here,
Tales of friendship lost, friendship found,
Of characters whose footsteps echoed centuries ago.
I am cocooned,
Suspended in the alluring warm light of
Productivity, peace and caffeine.
It is my Haven.
This post is a part of a link up for Five Minute Friday, a community of fellow writers who write for 5 minutes every Friday together on a prompt.
“Productivity, peace and caffeine.” Mmmm….yes, sounds like a haven to me too! So wonderful you have such a nice place to go to write.
It is definitely a healing thing, I find!
I totally resonate with your lines “I am known, But anonymous.” I, too, love having my regular spot yet still maintaining my anonymity. A lovely ode to coffee shop hours that help keep Mama sane! 🙂
It’s a delicate balance, isn’t it? So important to take time for whatever inspires and energises us, hey? xx
Love this! Yep sounds like a haven I would enjoy too. I’m in the #8 spot this week.
Thanks Tara! Will read yours soon! xx
Sounds like a coffee shop to me! But, anywhere can be a haven. Amen? #19 at Kate’s.
Yes, it is funny the places that become ‘home’, isn’t it?
Can I come hang out at that coffee shop with you? It sounds delightful.
oh I love, love, LOVE the imagery of the masquerade balls. Truly, I found myself wanting to read your post about three times over. You are a wordsmith. At first piccolo brought to mind my high school band days, but I think I’m lost in translation a bit. I can hear the whistling of the coffee makers.
Your escape leads to the escape of many a soul with those crisp pressed pieces of trees once glorious, stamped with the strokes of dark chemicals that preserve journeys into the imaginations of creatures hand-crafted by a glorious Savior.
Thanks for the visit over my way, too. I am really enjoying getting to know you weekly!!
(#67 this week)
Ohhh Tammy that means so much! The piccolo is confusing, haha – it is actually just a shot of espresso coffee with a tiny bit of milk… I like it strong! Really loving connecting with you guys each week – something I really look forward to 🙂 Oh and I love the poetry of your last paragraph- stunning! xx
Girl, your poetry is good (and that’s just the 5-minute kind). I can see you escaping to your haven as you pummel the keys in a coffee-induced ferocity and find yourself in these letters and marks.
You know it! I come alive in that space and these keys are sometimes my lifeline… Thanks for the encouragement about the poetry- I feel like I have so much to learn, but that excites me 🙂 I love reading your work – it inspires me… xx
Absolutely beautiful! It can be so difficult to find a getaway from the everyday norm. Beautifully written. I can see and smell and relax in it! 😀
Thanks Carey! So glad that you can relate! And wow- just read your beautiful post on haven- it’s like you are in my head!
Sounds like you have found a good place.
Known yet anonymous…and intriguing idea
Thanks Janel! Appreciate you stopping by 🙂
Wow, this piece of writing is good, my younger sister is analyzing these kinds
of things, so I am going to let know her.
Thanks so much for the encouragement, hope that your sister finds something that resonates with her journey!