Road trip to Newrybar: The Attack of the Killer Gastro

One never leaves Baba’s house empty-handed. Armed with countless crepes, schnitzels and grapes we set off on our way.

You would think that we wouldn’t make the same mistake on consecutive road trips but as we saw the signs for Gosford we decided to take a break. ‘Gosford sounds like a nice place’, I thought, ‘kind of like somewhere you might find Mr Darcy’. Boy was I wrong. As we turned off at the exit I suddenly realised my mistake. We had gone through the same thought process last time only to discover what a hole the town was.

We remedied the situation by finding a top rated cafe on bean hunter, Jimmy G’s. After a wander through the underground shops and a foray through a toy store, we were on the road again.  On our way to the middle of nowhere, a little town called Stroud.

It was bucketing down as we pulled up to Stroud Cottage Barn. At first we made ourselves at home in the cosy attic, making cups of hot chocolate and curling up in front of the TV. Then as we were sitting down to dinner, all hell broke loose in the form of Hudson with gastro.

At first we just thought it was reflux but after the fourth hour of screaming and vomiting with only about five minute sleep stretches at a time, we began to realise what we were dealing with. This truly was the worst time to be without phone or internet reception. Dave went for a midnight drive which worked for settling Hudson only as long as the car was moving. We decided to take it in shifts through the night and finally around 3am Hudson was ready for a proper feed and resettled until morning.

On the bright side, Eli slept peacefully through the whole thing and we did get to watch some of the quality Sandra Bullock movie ‘The Net’. Nevertheless, we were very glad to move on the next morning and hope for a new day.

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