Occupied Bliss

I realized today that I have not yet posted a blog from our new house! Dave asked me what this meant and I replied that it either means I’m doing awesome or gravely lacking introspection. 
The last few weeks have been a whirlwind. We have moved in, set up the Christmas tree, experienced the craziness of Christmas with two toddlers, packed away the Christmas tree, installed a shelf, put up curtain rods, hemmed curtains, built a letter box, painted tables and chairs, affixed a clothesline to the house and gravely given kids multiple warnings as to marks on walls… We are officially homeowners!
Every morning when we wake up, every time we get home, and every time we re-enter our kitchen, we are filled with awe as to how absolutely blessed we are to have our own home. Despite all that has happened recently, we keenly feel the amazing opportunity that has come our way. 
Hudson has been incredible since his surgery. Happy, talkative and inquisitive, he now responds enthusiastically when you ask him if he wants more food with ‘muh, muh!’ It is so refreshing to experience Hudson as a kid interested with and enthused by life. A few times now Dave and I have remarked that he is the easy kid now!
Our ninth anniversary mostly went off without a hitch, with a family dinner at TGI Fridays for happy hour. I struggled as usual with unrealised expectations, thinking naively that the kids should somehow understand it was our special day and decide not to whinge, whine or crack it. That didn’t happen!
The biggest issues since being here have been a shower flooding on the first night, an awful feeling that the rash, conjunctivitis and runny nose of Eli was the measles (it’s not), and a random incident where the soil delivery truck damaged the guttering of our neighbor’s house. 

Otherwise, our occupancy has been residential bliss, with Dave fully rising to the occasion as handy man and equipping himself with a complete set of power tools. Rarely a day goes by without a trip to Bunnings! It’s pretty cool watching him transform into the homeowner role actually.

The sentence that most goes through my mind these days is ‘we are blessed’. With family, with crazy kids, with great friends, with meaningful experiences, and with a house to finally call our own. 

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