I should like to hope that the title of this blog only describes me on rare moments but on some days I feel that it is a very apt description… One morning, whilst encouraging Eli to spend some time on the toilet I gave him a little picture book to read. He enthusiastically grabbed it and began to narrate: “one day there was a very. cranky. mummy”. Chin tilted up and eyes squeezed shut, he beamed his cheekiest smile. A blog was born :p
Really the main purpose of this blog is to be a forum for cataloguing our lives in an easy, cost effective way. At the moment the last consideration is pretty important! I hope that one day Eli and Hudson (and any other future children) will be able to look back on this like a photo album and see the enjoyment, wonder and anticipation we tried to treat this adventure called life.
Realistically every moment is not perfect and there are many times that I hope simply fade into a distant memory (after we have learned from them, of course)… And let’s be honest, you aren’t exactly going to be pulling out the camera when you are cracking it or frantically cleaning up any of the random but frequent bodily fluids that emanate from small children… The photos that I take remind me in tough times that life isn’t always like this and there is always hope. I tend to catastrophise just a little.
Let the journey commence.
1 comment
I'm with you!