The Incredible, Incomparable Ivy

Four years ago today, the most delightful girl entered our lives. Ivy Olivia – as she often introduces herself to people – took with ease to our chaotic family and weathered the loving smothering that comes from having two enthusiastic older brothers. It took us a little while to adjust to the rhythm and needs of three under four, but we eventually found our stride… and then Harvey came along!

Parties are a big deal in our household. The sun has barely set on one before the kids are discussing what their next theme will be. I kind of dug that hole myself, I will admit. With the month of January already so full with holiday plans and other outings, I struggled to figure out how we would fit one in. With our annual Tribe Founders Reunion pizza party on the Saturday, we decided ‘let’s just have two pizza parties in the one weekend’, and so we did. (We also had the privilege of having a ‘family sleepover party’ in between, but that’s a story for another time!)

Ivy settled quickly on a Frozen theme and I searched for the easiest recipes I could manage, knowing my energy and coping capabilities would be maxed out with the weekend’s requirements. Frozen white chocolate bark took literally five minutes to make and I made some white chocolate cornflake treats that I scattered shimmer powder and coconut over in order to look ‘frozen’. An ice cream cake Elsa ‘dress’ finished off the selection.

Pizza parties are remarkably straightforward to host, once you have done it a few times. A little bit of flour goes a long way, and it is so economical to make dozens of pizza bases, whip up a tomato sauce (garlic cloves, olive oil, canned tomatoes, herbs, salt and balsamic vinegar). We do a ‘make your own’ style, with platters of ingredients for everyone to choose from. I love the vibe of creativity as hands reach over others, the unmistakable scent of wood-smoke in the air and the sizzle of the pizzas as they melt in the oven.

Ivy waltzes around the party, changing outfits many times as new presents are unwrapped. She exclaims with delight and marvels that all of this is for her. The weather is made to order, with clear skies and a fresh breeze.

Things can always go more smoothly – the hombre whipped cream frosting for the ice cream cake ends up looking like one of those ironic ‘nailed it’ memes and Harvey spills a whole cup of peach iced tea on our new couch. The kids shriek and test the eardrum capacities of wincing adults, and we have far too much leftover pizza… But when the house is quiet and the mess has been resolved, we sigh in exhausted satisfaction.

Another year has begun.

Dear Ivy,

You are serene and determined, graceful and strong. A whimsical, wonderful creative force. 

I adore watching you play – your imagination in full swing as you create worlds before you, conjuring enchanting settings in which to place your toys. You beg for ‘special time’ and direct the scene, your confidence in telling me how to play makes me smile. 

You are sweet and fiery, wickedly funny. Your brothers adore you, treasure you, and relish playing with you (most of the time). Curiosity lights you up with questions that seem more suited to one far beyond your years. Never be afraid in the asking. 

‘How did we get so lucky?’ I think to myself as I sweep that lock of hair repeatedly out of your eyes. As I kiss your forehead as you lay sprawled contentedly, sleeping. As I stare down your fierce gaze, hands firmly on hips as you stand your ground. 

Stir up that love of reading, your unquenchable thirst for art. Follow your destiny, dear one, and be everything you were made to be. Throw parties and gauntlets, seize days and dreams, abandon fear and containment. 

We are in awe of you. 

Love forever, 

Mum and Dad

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Fighting the Frost

I love hosting parties. For me it is about as close to magic as it gets – bringing together seemingly random elements into a cohesive whole. Like painting on a canvas, or crafting a masterpiece… all it takes is a little flour, a dash of salt….and a slew of cocktails! […]

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