Being the only girl among three brothers isn’t a role for the faint-hearted. With the constant wrestling matches and competitive games, the back and forth banter and insults, Ivy has had a six year crash course in holding her own.
And she does it with style.
Fairy wings and clacking heels, sparkly eye-shadow and lip gloss. There is no item too pink or glittery, no craft that she won’t put her hand to. Ivy is unashamedly happy to follow her own path amidst the chaos and hard lines of her siblings.
She can turn from sweet to fiery in an instant, a warrior-like face emerging to slay anyone who dares cross her. Hours are spent creating imaginative storylines for her ponies and barbies, and there are barely enough hangers in the closet to store her Savers’ collection of ‘party dresses’.
The year of lockdowns of 2020 didn’t faze Ivy at all – she relished the additional time to spend lost in a book or reenacting a scene. She surged ahead in maths and reading – with the access to interactive literacy and numeracy games making learning an adventure for her. Ivy constantly asked how many days there were until she could go to school. Benefiting from a trickle-down knowledge of her brothers’ lessons, she became very intrigued with all things virus and volcano-related.
The day she turned six was Dave’s first day back at work, but we still managed to have a quiet celebration – with Nanny coming over in the morning, a festive morning tea with Grandma and Grandpa (with a surprise pink love heart cake!) and a dinner out at Zagames.

Keen to take advantage of all things celebratory, Ivy was quite clear that she wanted to have a party. A rainbow unicorn theme, of course. She helped with Pinterest research and selections, pointing out what cake and treats we should make together. After putting up the rainbow streamers across two archways, she regarded the room critically: ‘Still not enough decorations, Mum.’
We limited the celebrations to family, due to the restrictions in place across Victoria for indoor gatherings. It felt so good being able to do parties again, after such a long gap. There was a (surprisingly resistant) unicorn pinata, a chocolate fudge unicorn drip cake, loads of savoury pastries and far too many sweets.

Ivy’s contagious enthusiasm affected us all, as she squealed with joy at every guest entrance and present opening experience. Even her brothers mustered some excitement at the theme, batting their way through the streamers hanging over the doorways and offering their approval at the explosion of colours.
Another year of Ivy and we are so grateful for her presence in our family. As she commences her schooling experience, we have high hopes that she will relish the chance to build more independence, make new friends and embrace the adventure of learning.
Dear Ivy,
I cannot imagine life in this family without you. Your warm brown eyes smile back at me and I admire your caring nature. With your devotion to your teddies and baby, your endless games of ‘mum and dad’ – you often school me on how to better respond to a situation.
You are sunshine and rainbows, storm and fire. Let your anger anchor you. Never be afraid of what it is trying to communicate to you. You are a force to be reckoned with and a beacon of light.
I marvel at your ability to process concepts and pick up ideas that seem far beyond your years. Your love of maths and numbers, pop quizzes and excited exclamations when you learn something new are inspiring to watch.
Creativity finds a home in you – dancing, singing, drawing, craft, building and story-telling. Never stem the tide of this unbelievable force for good. Stoke it and cherish it. Build hope, find life. Our world is in desperate need of unique creators.
Jesus once said that we must come to him with the faith of a child, and I understand now why this is so. Your faith is innocent and humbling, awe-provoking and pure. Keep asking questions and giving yourself over to wonder. The universe is ever-expanding and mysterious – worthy of query and discovery.
Thank you for being you – for your passion and sweetness, your curiosity and hope. I pray that you will seek after truth, cherish beauty and discover the spark that has been planted deep within you since the beginning of time.
Love always,