A Common Life

So much of my life right now involves moments of routine, repetition and the mundane. Wake up, serve breakfast, get kids dressed, attend appointments/drop offs, make lunch, set up kids in rest time, make dinner, bathtime, bedtime.

Often, you would be forgiven for mistaking days that merge into one – weeks that pass by without a huge degree of difference. It is a common life, a stage where you can predict the types of battles and struggles that will arise. There is nothing epic or dramatic about it usually – unless someone manages to hurt themselves or throw a particularly juicy tantrum.

If you had showed me a video of the type of life I would lead when I was planning for my future as a lawyer, I’m not sure how I would react. I’m conservative by nature and well-suited to repetitive tasks – able to find meaning in the small things, willing to perform chores over and over to find the most efficient system. Yet there are still days which drive me crazy, moments that frustrate me no end, and a house that seems perpetually in chaos even where I have dedicated a fair portion of my day to keeping it in order.

I’m learning more and more that life can be found in the midst of these seemingly banal moments. Catching unsuspecting boys earnestly being Rescue Bots – lifting plastic tools into the air to ‘Power up and Energise!’ Watching Ivy carefully buckle in her Barbies to their car seats, take them out again and begin the process over. Moments that I will no doubt feel a pang over when memories hit later. What seems common now, may in fact transform over time to become inestimably precious.

This post is part of the Five Minute Friday challenge that I’m participating in along with a talented community of other writers. We free write for five minutes each Friday in accordance with a prompt. Today’s prompt is ‘common’. 

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What If I Stumble?

Watching the three tumbling bodies wrestle on the rug last night, it struck me: “They will never be this little again…” and then the follow up thought: “Thank goodness”. It had been a rough afternoon of tantrums and parenting battles, arguments and rages. What had started off as special experiences […]

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Grappling with Gratitude

It hasn’t been an ideal month in which to practice gratitude. Or, perhaps I should say, it has been the most ideal. We’ve struggled with parenting battles – rages that unhappily coincide with bedtime and can last for hours – moments of being all consumed with how to respond with […]

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Doing Time

We wake up, dole weet-bix and porridge into little bowls, mediate squabbles, talk our eldest down from rages. Bags are packed, lunch made, drink bottles refilled. Tasks that we repeat over and over, words that we say again, problems that won’t go away. Sometimes the changing date is the only […]

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Banding Together

When things go wrong, when sickness hits, when the rages storm… it is difficult to stand back and keep the global view in perspective. The little frustrations seem to add up to a negative whole, my self worth (tied up so often in what I do) seems to languish when […]

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The Mirage

Weekend, you hold such promise of relaxation, life and fun so why do I find you hollow? A re-occurence of some of the monotony and duties  of the week? A glimmer of  hope fades into the distance and I squint into the blight of mopping up after small humans – changing […]

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Joining the Dots

I’m a bit of a lecturer by nature. An opportunity will present itself to educate one of my children on the ills of the world, or the secret to the universe and I seize it – both hands enthusiastically latching onto the gift and refusing to let go. Dave often […]

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Paint it Black

It turns out that five is a hard year. Either that or we are doing something majorly wrong as parents? I hope it is the first option. Rages are a thing we are dealing with right now. Even this morning we battled. I cannot even remember what triggered the final […]

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