Not enough.
Whispers communicated through
streaked benchtops
piles of hastily stacked
Windows dotted with
evidence of living echo
‘clean, erase, perfect’
Not enough.
Resting is lazy, dwindling the
minutes as if they were a luxury
‘What did you accomplish today?’
‘Why didn’t you
go there, be that, fix him?’
Furious scrubbing
Drown the messages
in spray and wipe.
Not enough.
Hasty reactions, slips of the tongue
Decisions made then regretted
Missed moments, head buried
in distractions
Words that sting, hang
in the air
Desperate attempts to reclaim
swipe hopelessly through their
translucent effigy
My cracks are my beauty
the flaws – my softening
Moments spent idly
invested in invisible
Chaos – the evidence of
I will myself to sink
into that shimmering
This post is inspired by the Five Minute Friday writing challenge. Each week I join with this talented group of writers, free writing for five minutes in accordance with a prompt. Today’s prompt is ‘enough’.