Our Illustrious Ivy

January is a busy month for us. Poor Hudson suffers a little with the timing of his birthday smack bang in the middle of Christmas/New Year chaos. But by the time Ivy’s birthday rolls around, we are more than ready for another party.

‘I want a Bluey theme, Mum,’ Ivy tells me and at first I’m a little hesitant. What food would I make for such a party? For the uninitiated, Bluey is a popular animated Australian kids’ TV show about a family of blue heelers that has taken the country (and now America) by storm. Did I say it was for kids? We enjoy watching it just as much (if not more).

With a little brainstorming and a mental walkthrough of all the episodes we remembered, Ivy and I began to create a list for the proposed menu. Curried sausages, three capsicum salad, Duck cake, mini pizzas, fruit salad, party pies, pavlova….all fairly random, but hey, we were inspired to give it a go.

The infamous Duck Cake episode informed the only possible choice of birthday cake, although I was surprised to discover that the seemingly simple sculpture was quite difficult to make! Dave and I did our best with the shaping and following the highly detailed instructions, and in the end we managed to create a fairly decent representation of the famed Women’s Weekly classic. We consoled ourselves along the way that at least Bandit’s version in the episode was a more than a little wonky, so proportionality didn’t matter too much!

Victoria has been ever-scarred by restrictions and lockdowns and trying to organise a party while many people were in isolation was a little tricky, but we kept open hands and decided to just make the most of it, no matter who could come in the end.

The day dawned bright and hot, perfect for a pool party. Ivy was beyond excited, setting up her new toys on the patio for all of her friends and cousins to play with. The guests began trickling in and almost immediately took to the water, with food coming out in waves in the meantime. Mum was a lifesaver in the kitchen (as always) and we worked in sync to keep the plates filled (with far too much food, as usual!).

After the cake cutting and the rainbow pinata (with the associated mad scramble for lollies), the day was happily complete.

Watching Ivy look after each of her guests and have a wonderful time in the pool was so rewarding. She is a natural host, pausing in her fun to remind people to make sure they collected a party bag before they left and using her manners without me having to subtly/not so subtly remind her!

There are so many incredible qualities to Ivy. She is thoughtful, kind, creative, clever, witty and fierce. Her room is filled with drawings that she makes specially for people, covered in hearts and rainbows and lovely messages. She’s always ready for a cuddle and instantly blossoms when you compliment her.

Ivy’s first year of school was a huge success, despite having missed most of the 4 year old Kinder year, and she slotted in well to friendship groups and learning rhythms. Even lockdown learning didn’t really faze her, although she (understandably) hated Zoom. She got on with her tasks (for the most part) and has developed an obsession with reading. Often I’ll pass by her room very late at night (well, 10pm is late for me!) and she is still on that ‘last page’, having been drawn in completely to the story again and forgetting that she was supposed to turn out the light.

She stands up for herself competently, despite the physicality of her three brothers. She can give a solid shove of her own if need be, although I’m constantly trying to remind all of them that violence is not an answer. That natural wrestling/jostling of the boys has spilled over a little to her as well, and she can well and truly hold her own in a cuddle-trap! We’ve enjoyed watching her become a confident swimmer over the summer in our pool – she is often the last one to get out because she’s having such a great time.

We are so proud of our beautiful daughter and it is a privilege to watch her develop into a confident (slightly sassy) young lady. The world really doesn’t have any idea what it’s in for!

Dearest Ivy,

You are like an elegant flower, bursting into bloom. Your petals are unfurling and expanding, gracefully, and you bring colour into every room.

We are so grateful for your presence in our family. You are sweetness and light, fire and spice. A heady mix of creative swirls and insightful pearls. I watch as you speak softly and gently to younger friends, rippling with pride at your thoughtfulness and generosity.

Nurture your fire. Learn to harness and control it. You will need it in this strange world of ours. Know that your words have weight and meaning, that you can create realities with them, and the most riveting of stories.

You are a daughter of the Most High. Remember that it is His approval and joy that is worth seeking above all else. While fads and trends flitter and fade, His truth endures for all time. May your path be straight, your feet resting upon stones of peace and mercy and your eyes fixed upon justice and hope.

Let no one manipulate or belittle you. Understand that your worth penetrates far deeper than your appearance, and is anchored in the little actions you do when no one is watching. Be kind and courageous, let your love be contagious.

We love you to the end of Time and through the distant echoing of Eternity.

Love always,


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Nine Year’s Eve: A Celebration of Hudson

For a boy who loves parties, being born on the first day of the year has been, up until now, slightly inconvenient. New Year’s Eve hasn’t been an event we’ve ever properly celebrated, since the kids (and particularly Hudson) came along – partially because I was inevitably up late for […]

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The Year of the Tiger

I turned 37 in August. It is, I find, the ideal age. Young enough to enjoy good health, and old enough to appreciate it. Youthful enough to plan and imagine, and wise enough to execute those goals. We are through the most intense kid-wrangling years – where sleep is a […]

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A Path to Adventure

I’ve noticed lately that there’s a peculiar shift that occurs as your children grow up. At first our stories are so intertwined as to be indistinguishable. This blog was born in a time where motherhood was my only identity. Indeed, it had to be. My every waking moment was concerned […]

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Flourishing Ivy

Being the only girl among three brothers isn’t a role for the faint-hearted. With the constant wrestling matches and competitive games, the back and forth banter and insults, Ivy has had a six year crash course in holding her own. And she does it with style. Fairy wings and clacking […]

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The History of Hudson

There’s nothing quite like the power of an afternoon spent visiting the past. Every now and then the kids beg us to show them videos from when they were younger. We scroll through the endless selection, travelling back to moments all but forgotten, exclaiming over cute expressions and plump cheeks, […]

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A Puzzle of Existence

I turned 36 yesterday. It was an occasion filled with cards and FaceTime, far too much food, surprising presents (a laser tag set that had us shooting at each other all over the house and my very own scooter) and luxurious ones (a weighted blanket, chocolate and velvet pajamas). The […]

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The Icing on the Iso-Birthday Cake

‘How old are you turning, Harvey?’ we asked him in the lead up to his birthday. ‘Four,’ he would reply solemnly, holding up an indeterminate number of fingers. Actually, yesterday the ‘baby’ of our family turned three, which makes me feel thrilled and wistful in equal measure. Three is an […]

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Hooray for Hudson

There is no one quite like Hudson. He has a sense of exuberance that defies reason, a penchant for silliness that is endless, and an unquenchable obsession with sport and technology.  That he would hold on for nine excruciating days and burst into the world on New Years Day makes […]

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