Turning it Off and On Again

It has become a kind of ritual, a sanity rescuer, a last ditch attempt at restoring equilibrium to the family. We go to the park.

It doesn’t seem to matter if there is play equipment or not – often stumps jutting out of the ground provide a rich backdrop to the ninja-style imaginary games of the boys. They go adventuring, discovering new species, bending down to notice bugs and butterflies, wrestling and tumbling in the grass until they itch all over.

Stepping outside our walls provides an instant perspective change. There is a world out here that won’t collapse if I don’t do everything on my ‘to-do list’ today. The fresh air shocks sense into me and enlivens relationships that were bordering on civil war.

Ice-cream cones in hand, we tumbled out of the house after dinner one night – taking little steps down the street to discover adventure. What usually becomes ‘crazy hour’ in our own zone suddenly shifts to become a dimension of playfulness – of being present in our own bodies again. We choose to reboot.

This post is part of both #Write31Days and the Five Minute Friday challenge that I’m participating in along with a talented community of other writers. We free write for five minutes (or more) guided by a prompt. Today’s prompt is ‘park’. 


For more information on 31 Days of Five Minute Free Writes, check out Christina Hubbard’s site!


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The Mirage

Weekend, you hold such promise of relaxation, life and fun so why do I find you hollow? A re-occurence of some of the monotony and duties  of the week? A glimmer of  hope fades into the distance and I squint into the blight of mopping up after small humans – changing […]

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Tumbling Thoughts

Sometimes I notice too much. I see the bowing orchids and chastise myself for not watering them. The door slightly ajar to a playroom strewn with toys. The cushions heaped on the couch instead of neatly laid out in a row. I see the yoga mat beckoning me to start […]

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Surprise Connections

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Flickers of Another Life

It was the age of idealism, of passionately spouting ideas as if they were fresh and new. Of soaking in texts, books, words and feeling an increased sense of importance. I can still feel the blast of warm air as I walked down the incline into The Den. Queuing patiently […]

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The Little Things

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A Place of Happiness

It sits there in the corner – quiet and unassuming, but taking it out has become one of the treasured parts of my day. The soft, cushioning blue undergirds me, supports me as I sit peacefully. Breathing slows, I’m conscious for perhaps the first time that day of my heartbeat. […]

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Love in the Mail

There is a box in our garage filled with stories. Papery, magical stories. The words are from another age, a time where love was delivered in coloured envelopes, recorded on delicate sheets of paper. We learned who each other was, as each letter was delivered. I remember the feeling so […]

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Joining the Dots

I’m a bit of a lecturer by nature. An opportunity will present itself to educate one of my children on the ills of the world, or the secret to the universe and I seize it – both hands enthusiastically latching onto the gift and refusing to let go. Dave often […]

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Reaching for the Sky

You would think that the fourth time around would be less exciting somehow. That the ‘been there, done this’ feeling would be more prevalent than the incredible sense of wonder that accompanies the first of any experience. Not so. This morning Dave and I nervously waited in the ultrasound reception […]

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