It’s a blurred line
a quivering
I trick myself
Reaching out
it seems so
desperate, crucial
the ‘very thing’
to satisfy.
The dawning
brutally, swiftly
Sweetness turns to
powder on the tongue
‘You fell for it again’
the sneer
echoes unkindly
Heaviness descends
into a realisation
of fallibility.
When logic and feeling
fail to meet
I surrender my passion
and power
giving gold
for tuppence
and promising
wealth for a
This post is inspired by the Five Minute Friday writing challenge. Each week I join with this talented group of writers, free writing for five minutes in accordance with a prompt. Today’s prompt is ‘need’.
Wow, Emma, simply elegant as this poem rolls off my tongue and sinks into my soul. Thank you. Blessings, Julie, your FMF neighbor
What incredibly kind words, thanks Julie! So nice to have you stop by 🙂
“When logic and feeling fail to meet…”
Emma, what a lovely description of this temporal dichotomy of failure, set against our need for the transcendent!
You really have such a way with words, Andrew – that was perfectly put!
Lovely poem once again friend.
Thanks Tara xx
‘You fell for it again’ the sneer’
A wonderful depiction of our weakness.
That feeling, hey? Shame can be so insidious…
Enjoyed your poem….but that photo is priceless:)
They give me plenty of funny moments to capture, that’s for sure!