
A burst of energy

I seize it, both hands

clasping, wishing for a hint of

my former shadow – 

energy, vitality, creativity

I push past the fade

wanting to reclaim the

version of myself

that satisfies me

Not the hamstrung, snuffed out

rest-seeking missile

The crystal glass

eludes me

I cannot seek myself

in momentary surges

It is as if I chase

a fleeting, frustrating


Surrender is eventually


This post is part of the Five Minute Friday challenge that I’m participating in along with a talented community of other writers. We free write for five minutes each Friday in accordance with a prompt. Today’s prompt is ‘surrender’. 

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  1. I know the feeling, I’ve written heaps on my blog about this. Lots of magnesium helps and I had to take iron too. I’ve got a pregnancy declarations printable on my blog, maybe you will find helpful?
    Neighbour from FMF

  2. Emma,
    how raw and how real. 🙂 Having three so close together was wearing on me, but the joy I have now that they are 5, 7, and 9? Irreplaceable!
    I hope that you do give yourself rest now and again. Although, as I understand, it’s the peak of summer weather for you down there? And here it’s approaching the hibernation season where we bundle up and consume many warm beverages.

    I can tell you that the surrender you chose to allow this life to come is a special surrender. 🙂 Much like Mary. That is the best part of pregnancy during Advent! You can relate so well to her travails.

    Much love to you, dear sister!
    (barely made it in at #60 this week)

    1. Sorry for my delay in replying! I really love hearing your perspective on life and parenting – it encourages me so much. I have done a bit better in the surrender this week… some things take longer than others to learn! Hope that you are having a good week and that you enjoy the cosiness of winter snuggles and bundling up. xx

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