For so long ‘discomfort’ has been a bad thing. Something to avoid, to steer around, to numb against.
Language of feeling ‘peace’ instead cloaked feelings of fear, steeling me against being vulnerable or taking any risks.
People might disagree with me, condemn me (which for a Type 1, Wing 2 on the Enneagram is a death strike), or skim over what I have to offer.
When I read Brene Brown’s admissions of ‘keeping her work small’ to avoid these same threats, I was convicted. “That’s exactly what I’m doing.”
So I decide to let go of control, to be brave and vulnerable, find kindred spirits and connect with other writers.
It may be messy, unpredictable, scary and hard. But I decide to face the wind and feel the discomfort.
I choose to ‘dare greatly’.
Linking up for Five Minute Friday, a community of fellow writers who write for 5 minutes every Friday together on a prompt.