Peeling an Onion

Is it normal to constantly question your identity and wonder why you are the way that you are? Our house has been a lot quieter recently and the walls seem to echo with these questions. It may help I’m having a break from alcohol at the moment, so the thoughts are much more successful at breaking through.

I was saying today to Dave that stay at home mothers must either end up a little crazy or very well adjusted in the search for meaning. When I worked, even for two days a week, it was so easy to stop the questioning at ‘this is my job title, therefore I am’. Stripped of the label and easy way to classify my time I do find it more difficult to articulate self definition.

My youngest sister is someone that I really admire (and not just because she reads this blog :p). To me it seems that she lives life largely indifferent to what those around her think, obviously not completely because that would be impossible. If she disagrees with you, she tells you, but is also open to being challenged on her assumptions. I’m not like that at all. If I disagree with someone, even family or close friends sometimes, often I will smile a small tight smile and nod, hoping the conversation will quickly shift to other topics.

Why do I care so much about what other people think? I mostly find it refreshing when someone disagrees with me, so what is so scary about putting my contrary view out there? Either that or (if sufficiently provoked) I’ll lose all sense of filter and unleash the inner Emma on exactly what I think and leave little remains. Just talk to our (now ex) housemates who had the unfortunate experience of two house ‘meetings’ in which this beast was let loose.

Dave is also the opposite to me. If something needs to be said, he says it, even if the truth will initially smart a bit. I admire his courage even if I squirm a little in the moment that he unleashes his views.

One of the biggest challenges about being a mum is seeing your faults reflected back at you in your children. Often it can cause the most inner discord, viewing in plain sight the things you desperately don’t want others to know about yourself. I guess you can either turn to ‘dullers’ like alcohol or food, or bravely gulp down your fears and face it head on. For now at least, I’m trying to choose the latter.

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Off the Mark

I think I’m suffering from the opposite of anticipation,…anti-anticipation? Last night I had a one hour relaxation massage booked in at Endota Spa (thanks to my work friends!). You would think that, given the fact I was about to experience ultimate bliss, my patience levels for putting kids to bed […]

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What a difference a term makes, a million and four little hours… thinking back on last holidays, I’m astounded how much life can change. At the end of Term Two, we were agonising over Hudson’s every mood, wondering if we would ever get to experience a baby that didn’t cry […]

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A Whirling Dervish

The election, the flu, Facebook discussions, new house visits, new neighbours, kids crafts, tantrums, that time of the month, teething, housemates, weakness, chaos, obligation, burdens, judgementalism, energy, logic, hypocrisy, comparison, vindication, disappointment, relationship, emotion. All of these things were swirling around my brain today and I just couldn’t get my […]

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Magic Forests

I’ve had a revolution. It may not be *new* scientifically speaking, but it has completely changed the way I look at the world! Neuroplasticity. After sharing a rather emotional encounter I had experienced with my mum, she mentioned that I should watch a seminar presentation by a Neuro scientist that […]

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The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

I knew today was doomed from the moment I opened my eyes. That feeling of ‘What does today hold? Oh yes, hospital visit.’ Despite the premonition I was actually feeling quite chipper as I strolled into the waiting room. It was as I sat down and realised I had left […]

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Birthday Escape

Once a year Dave takes me away on a trip somewhere for my birthday. Those two blissful and peaceful nights away certainly play a big part in allowing me to get through the months of child rearing beforehand. This time, though,the babysitting arrangements were like planning a combat mission and […]

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A losing battle

It is 1:20am and sleep eludes me. Hudson and I were locked in an epic battle of wills regarding use of the dummy and he won. I theoretically admire his strong will, but tonight it is going close to driving me crazy. Now every time I put my earplugs in […]

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The Two Tango

In the craziness of the last little while I haven’t had a chance to document one of the most amazing experiences yet in our stint of parenthood: Eli turning two! Birthdays are already pretty exciting to me- I love the planning, the anticipation, the secrecy… and while Eli’s first birthday […]

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