Irrational Imaginings

Food at the moment is divided into two categories – stuff that works, and that which doesn’t.

I wouldn’t exactly call it craving, but there have been stages of addiction to edible items, usually those of the fast food variety. The day I found out you could no longer buy a cheeseburger, fries and coke for $3 was a sad moment, but not for my waistline, I reasoned. Sausage and Egg McMuffins, bacon and eggs on sourdough, ham and cheese toasties, butter chicken and rice… I’ve relied on them all.

Then there are the ones that prompt waves of sickness – the healthy stews bubbling away on the slow cooker, Mexican rice, salads. All the things that are supposed to nourish my body suddenly seem to stick to the plate.

I eat to sustain my body and the one growing within, and hope for a time where it will become more commonplace – less charged with irrational preferences.

This post is both part of the #Write31Days and the Five Minute Friday challenge that I’m participating in along with a talented community of other writers. We free write for five minutes (or more) guided by a prompt. Today’s prompt is ‘eat’. 


For more information on 31 Days of Five Minute Free Writes, check out Christina Hubbard’s site!


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