I have this theory about self-awareness. It comes in waves. Circumstances suddenly arrange to reveal to us an angle to ourselves or a revelation that had henceforth been hidden. That feeling of intense discomfort and shame (the messy middle, to coin a Brene Brown term) can be so unnerving as we come to terms with the depths of who we never thought we were… which then leads to a new level of comfort – a satisfaction that comes from the hard wrestle of doing the work. Arriving at that place, I realise that I find the process a little intoxicating. In hindsight.
I crave it
seek it out
drawing nearer to the flame
moth-like wings beating
Warmth encasing
life embracing
I slide my toes
deeper, sinking down
chasing burnt amber
Wind whips
cold chills
The bandages pull loose
Fists of ice, clenching
revelations unfriendly
I tense
the weight of burdens
suddenly realised
Squinting eyes
Fingers slide to reveal
I wait
for the surge
the covering
unearthing another
It is the unveiling.
This post is inspired by the Five Minute Friday writing challenge. Each week I join with this talented group of writers, free writing for five minutes in accordance with a prompt. Today’s prompt is ‘comfort’.