The Year of the Tiger

I turned 37 in August. It is, I find, the ideal age. Young enough to enjoy good health, and old enough to appreciate it. Youthful enough to plan and imagine, and wise enough to execute those goals.

We are through the most intense kid-wrangling years – where sleep is a lottery and constant supervision a must. And we’re not quite into the complicated, teen stage – where identity crises and moody mornings await.

If I were to isolate the overarching lesson of this year, it would be authenticity. Being brave enough to speak out, even when it means inviting disappointment. Being strong enough to weather the storm of standing against the mainstream narrative. Remaining soft-hearted and open despite misunderstandings and hurts.

In some ways, the experience has been brutal, yet in others I feel more alive than ever before. I’m completely aligned, unafraid – shoulders back and face tilted into the oncoming wind.

I feel the ever-increasing presence of the One who matters most, His gentle hand of promise on my life and the hope of a future that seems yet uncertain, but that I trust will be beyond my wildest imaginings.

This is 37. Hear me roar 😉

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Six Great Things About Quarantine

No one could have pictured the year going like this. First, the bushfires which blazed through a significant part of our country. Now, a nation in quarantine, along with the rest of the world, as we try and wait out this insidious virus. Jobs have been lost, income affected. Anxiety […]

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A Fracture in Time

It’s warm, unseasonably so, and I’m catching up with a friend. Ivy and Harvey are playing happily a stone’s throw away, climbing on the backyard playground and laughing together. I’ll just stay five more minutes.  The conversation continues. I’m mid-sentence when I hear the sickening crunch. It’s Harvey. He’s screaming, […]

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A Rush of Hours

Every now and then we like to shake it up a little. Immerse ourselves in a different experience and celebrate the everyday. This winter we rugged up and spent a night in the windy city. The kids are bursting with excitement before we even exit the carpark, each struggling under […]

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The Nostalgia of Noel

Christmas is a reckoning. It is a time for reconciling the past with the present, who you are with who you used to be. It is a time for reminiscing, for planning for the future, for remembering those who have passed and celebrating new life. I love it all. The […]

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A Tainted Tribute

The internet told me once that the more effusive you are on social media in relation to your partner, the more likely it is that your relationship is doomed. I have absolutely no research to back up that notion but it struck something of a chord in me and I […]

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The Gravity of Joy

It is the wafting threads of rising dough the strains of lifting music  that beg to be turned up louder It is the first glimpse of a new day a fresh chance after darkness and tears in the night The stir of tiny movements after a horrifying absence When the […]

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