The Three Stages

If ever I am mother I’ll be patient

fun and full of life.

I’ll cherish every moment and kiss 

away the strife. 

We’ll stay awake for hours and 

laugh at all the rain

make forts in our pajamas and

get down and play with trains.

When the little dears grow up

I know I’ll be more at peace –

not wringing hands at everything and

gritting all my teeth. 

If only they would listen, 

hold my hand and cross the road

with a cool and calm demeanour.

This is far more than I supposed

would test me in my principles

and rouse in me my rage

I thought this was meant to be my time

and motherhood my stage.

If I could have back those moments

to do it all again

I’d slow down and take a pause

I’d avoid my need to bend

their emerging wills to fit with 

my overarching plans

I’d smile and say 

‘I love you’ more and kiss

their dimpled hands.

I’ve only got this time around

to get the balance right

Please help me to realise that 

and utilise Your sight. 

Disclaimer: If ever there was a poem that just poured out of me it was this one. I have no idea whether it was written in five minutes because I was too consumed with typing the words as fast as they were coming to me!

As well as being inspired by National Poetry Day, this is a double link up with #Write31Days and Five Minute Friday. Today’s prompt is ‘test’. 


For more information on 31 Days of Five Minute Free Writes, check out Christina Hubbard’s site!


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