The List

It was a brisk, chilly evening. I wore a coat of peacock blue. We strolled along the lane slowly, the aroma of meatballs, pizza, Italian coffee drifting out across the way.

When we sat down at the rickety table under the stars I pulled out a yellow legal pad and we began crafting the list. Hardworking. Self-aware. Kind. Compassionate. Disciplined. As the lines began filling faster we realised how much work we had in front of us. What we wanted our future kids to be was only possible if we first practised those qualities ourselves.

Our lives look so different now. We motor from moment to moment, attaching hurried lessons to the mistakes and hoping the little eyes watching choose to model the good instead. We fail, apologise, try again.

The perfect parents we hoped to be seem impossibly out of reach, but I’m realising that isn’t such a bad thing. If nothing else, we do our own work – understanding ourselves, our motives, our failings – perhaps that will be enough to teach the important stuff. Life isn’t straightforward, mistakes will be made, but we keep trying anyway. We show up.

This post is inspired by the Five Minute Friday writing challenge. Each week I join with this talented group of writers, free writing for five minutes in accordance with a prompt. Today’s prompt is ‘work’. 

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What I’m Into: June 2017

Chest x-rays, CT scans, blood tests, nasal swabs… when June began I didn’t realise it would involve so much of a focus on my health. I have struggled with ongoing colds and infections for about four months now, and during the month of June my voice vanished…and it didn’t really […]

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What I’m Into: May 2017

May has been a month of ‘being’… Noticing the funny dialogue between Hudson and Ivy as they order each other around in their imaginative scenarios. Smiling when Ivy changes her baby’s nappy for the sixth time in a row in five minutes. Witnessing the first beautiful smiles of an uncurling […]

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Introducing Harvey

It has been ten days since I last tapped away on these keys, the final stages of the pregnancy growing more difficult and exhausting as it became an effort just to get to the end of each day. I intend to write about the complicated and difficult birth experience surrounding […]

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Barney and the NeverEnding Party

“When is Pa’s party? Is it tonight? Tomorrow night?” For weeks now we have been fielding this question uttered excitedly from impatient lips. The night finally arrived on Saturday – the special clothes that Eli had set out for over a week now finally getting their chance to shine. We spent […]

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