Ivy has never met a birthday she doesn’t like. Whether her own or others, Ivy will put a lot of thought and care into each occasion. She is like a sparkly snail, with her very own trail of craft supplies and stationery littering her wake. (We’re working on the latter part).
To celebrate Ivy’s ninth year, we decided to throw another whole class pool party. Being a January baby, it just makes sense, and was the perfect opportunity to get to know some of her classmates and their families. Given the fact that our house was on the market and this was most likely our last summer with a pool, we felt like there was nothing to lose.
Ivy’s favourite animal is definitely the panda, so it was no surprise when she suggested the theme. We scoured Pinterest together and created a board that represented her hopes and dreams for the party. Very soon it felt like we had created a portal, as the items on the board began appearing in our kitchen ready to serve. There were paw print biscuits, blue teddy bear jelly shots, cupcakes and an epic bamboo panda cake to top it all off.

The day dawned cloudy but warm and we prayed the weather would hold. Dave ducked out to source the piece de resistance – the floating balloons for Ivy’s panda. Before long the guests began arriving and Ivy was beside herself with excitement. There were friends from her new school, her basketball team, her old school and homeschool (plus siblings). The kids wasted no time in jumping into the pool and making the most of every minute.

It was lovely to reconnect with friends from the not so distant past, even though it feels like our homeschool days are a distant memory. The girls bonded quickly again and we spent time catching up like old days. My parents were a major help – arriving with armfuls of fresh bamboo for an extra sense of authentic ambience, plus somehow managing to anticipate what I needed before I had even voiced it and clearing away most of the party debris. Don’t know how I would do it without them!

When the last guest had left and Ivy tackled the huge mound of presents, there were many oohs and ahhs. Ivy was in heaven, with a generous supply of squishmallows, stationery and craft supplies.

This year has been quite formative for Ivy, with the major step back towards traditional schooling. While her transition into the class was seamless, what made me even more proud was the fact that she was willing to disappoint my expectations in order to choose to go back. When we had the conversation about returning to school, I was very clear about the reality of what she would be walking into, the good and the bad. She knew that I enjoyed homeschooling and had planned to dedicate that time to the kids until the end of primary, yet she still felt strong enough to stand up and say what she really wanted. Despite the grief I felt initially, the enduring sense was one of pride for her growth and maturity.
Now, looking back, I can’t imagine life any other way. We have all found our feet so solidly where we are now, and I have now embarked on the path to becoming a teacher. It feels like God was really guiding us through the twists and turns to exactly where he wanted us to be.
Ivy has definitely upped the sass and attitude, but not in an obnoxious way. She is the most thoughtful and kind daughter ever and I am incredibly grateful to have her in the family. There are so many beautiful cards, notes and handmade presents that she gifts to us, along with her wonderful smile and good nature. She isn’t shy about standing up to her brothers, either, which I’m pleased about.
This year I’m looking forward to championing her as she continues to grow and mature into a wonderful young woman.
Dear Ivy,
Yes, this post is a touch late! I’m utterly sorry about that. We spent all that time in the kitchen preparing and I didn’t quite get around to writing about the event until now.
You are sunshine, flowers, rainbows and glitter. You are waterfalls and rapids, sparklers and tempest. I love your pure joy and keen sense of humour. Your resilience amazes me – you respond to critique well and confidently push forward into change. I’m so proud of your strength of character and your willingness to go against what you knew I wanted and stand up for what you thought was best. Your decision has shaped our family in the best possible way.
Thank you for your thoughtfulness and generosity. Your kind notes touch all those who are lucky enough to receive one and you intuitively know how to make others feel seen and special.
I admire your intellect and determination, your sharp wit and dimpled smile. I love your heart for Jesus and your compassion for those who have less. You are a strong woman of God already and I know He has wonderful plans for your life.
I can’t wait to champion you along this wild ride called life. I am your biggest fan (along with Dad and Jesus) and I feel a sense of wonder that you are ours. May our relationship stay strong through the tween and teen years ahead. May we speak the truth in love and respect.
Ivy, you bring so much joy to us. Thank you for being unashamedly you.
Love forever,