The Daring Duo

“You’re Martin, I’m Chris.” He tells his brother in no uncertain terms. Two single-minded boys stride off into the distance to unearth creatures together, leaping into danger, camping out in the living room so they can ‘get their energy back’.

Of course, it isn’t always blissful teamwork. They frustrate each other with the sophistication of bank bandits at times, knowing the exact button to press to elicit rage or an acute sense of injustice.

I take a deep breath when I witness their adventures. More and more I’m realising that these are the moments to cherish, memorise, savour. They straddle two worlds together, weaving strands of imagination with the deftness of Van Gogh.

I let the smile bubble up and wash over me. They are teaching me with their matching steps, their earnest focus and dogged determination. I sit back and soak it in.





This post is part of a link up with an amazing community writers at Five Minute Friday. We free write for five minutes each Friday on a prompt. This week’s prompt is ‘team’. Join us!

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  1. Oh, Emma. Such precious memories! Keep capturing them as much as possible. My boys are now 18 and 15, and they still love to giggle. Their giggles sound much different now than they used to, but it still gives my heart a thrill! Thanks

    1. Oh wow – I can’t even imagine my boys at that age, but I know conceptually the time will just fly… So great that your boys still love to have fun together – that is totally my hope and dream for my two!

  2. Emma,
    I delight that you are delighting in your boys. Our girls have also split between exuberance and exasperation this summer. It seems that tempers and temperatures rise around the same time!
    Thank you for giving a glimpse of what life is about. Working together. It is called work for a reason-it’s unnatural, but so rewarding!
    (linked at #65 this week)

    1. Sounds like you know exactly what I’m talking about! I often have to remind myself to focus on the good moments, rather than blowing the difficult incidents out of context and making the whole story about those… Writing is so good for that practice!

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