Hey! I’m so glad you’ve stopped by.
I’m Emma. It’s so tempting to go on and define myself by what I’ve done or who I am to the people around me, but I’m coming to realise that those labels don’t even come close to describing who we truly are as people.
All my life prior to being a mother I thought I was a pretty capable person. Learning came easily to me and I became a lawyer because it just seemed like a safe option. When kids came along, I tried to master the parenting process by reading every book I could get my hands on. (Spoiler alert – it didn’t work.)
I started this blog when I was in a dark place. When my second baby was born plagued by undiagnosed health problems with screaming as his default mode, I went through post-natal depression (although I had no idea that’s what it was at the time). Writing became my path to figuring it all out, to connecting with others and finding who I was underneath it all.
My journey hasn’t been perfect. I’ve had to come to terms with the fact that I wasn’t just a ‘mum who likes her wine’, and that I was actually on the path to becoming an alcoholic (if I wasn’t one already). On 20 February 2019 I had my last drink and the decision to choose sobriety became like a magic key that unlocked a whole new level of myself that I had never really seen before. It was messy but wonderful and I’m still showing up each day and learning something new.
This is a sacred space where I share about what really goes on behind the scenes in our slightly chaotic family of six. My husband, Dave, and I are really passionate about doing life well, about figuring out how to create an environment so that our four kids (Eli, Hudson, Ivy and Harvey) can thrive, and learning how to make the most of everyday by following our dreams and passions.
Life can be a little crazy and that’s okay. Each day seems to present new challenges and opportunities and we have to do our best to figure it all out. Honestly, some days I just feel like collapsing in a heap and giving up. But my faith plays a huge role in grounding me during those moments and bringing me back to what really matters.
So come along for the unpredictable journey and let me know a bit about yourself as well. I always love discovering kindred spirits.
Can’t believe it has taken me this long to read your blogs! A friend shared your latest one, and I can relate to it so much! The line between standing up and advocating for your kids can be very quickly blurred by the lawnmower! Looking forward to reading more about you and your gorgeous family.
So glad to have you here, Kate! It really can be so hard to know where that line is, hey? I guess all we can do is keep checking in with ourselves and those around us and try to keep doing the best job we can. I definitely find it easier with other mums beside me! Thanks so much for your kind words 🙂