Irrational Imaginings

Food at the moment is divided into two categories – stuff that works, and that which doesn’t.

I wouldn’t exactly call it craving, but there have been stages of addiction to edible items, usually those of the fast food variety. The day I found out you could no longer buy a cheeseburger, fries and coke for $3 was a sad moment, but not for my waistline, I reasoned. Sausage and Egg McMuffins, bacon and eggs on sourdough, ham and cheese toasties, butter chicken and rice… I’ve relied on them all.

Then there are the ones that prompt waves of sickness – the healthy stews bubbling away on the slow cooker, Mexican rice, salads. All the things that are supposed to nourish my body suddenly seem to stick to the plate.

I eat to sustain my body and the one growing within, and hope for a time where it will become more commonplace – less charged with irrational preferences.

This post is both part of the #Write31Days and the Five Minute Friday challenge that I’m participating in along with a talented community of other writers. We free write for five minutes (or more) guided by a prompt. Today’s prompt is ‘eat’. 


For more information on 31 Days of Five Minute Free Writes, check out Christina Hubbard’s site!


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  1. Ah, what a time to get the writing prompt “Eat”! I’m remembering how I got the strong impression that yes, I was finally pregnant that day I stopped at the supermarket on the way home from work, only to be nauseated by everything I considered buying to fix for supper… except fried oysters! (Whose mere mention probably turns your stomach.) Go figure! God bless you and the new life within.

    1. Oh man, that does sound bad but hey, there is no rational explanation for what we desire during pregnancy! So funny how it is different things for everyone as well – I have a friend who craved chalk!

  2. I’ve always been fascinated by pregnant woman and what they crave etc. Prayimg you find those foods that work and sustain you both.

    1. It is a weird and wonderful thing, hey? Thanks so much Tara – I’m hoping that vegetables start looking amazing to me soon!

  3. Ah…food! Each of my pregnancies carried with it different cravings. I remember my second child was strictly chocolate. Another pregnancy, I couldn’t get enough of lemons. Strangely, in every single one of the pregnancies, I always wanted McDonald’s cheeseburgers in that first trimester.

    1. So funny isn’t it? What do they put in those cheeseburgers?! I wonder if there are studies done into the food preferences of children based on what they had in the womb… though maybe I don’t want to know!

  4. The sourdough of the sausage egg mcmuffin and the fresh, non-processed egg are actually both quite healthy for you! 🙂 It’s just the sausage and rubber cheese that could use a healthier substitute in the long-term. Once a week? You’re probably fine.
    Do fruits sound good? I know grapefruits, oranges, mandarins and clementines all can help cut some of that grease and saturated fat that is there. I had all girls and ate pretty acidic foods often. Tomatoes fresh from the garden were also like candy.
    🙂 That being said, I delighted to eat my sausage egg croissanwich at Burger King when pregnant. The only time I could get away with it!

    1. Hmm so the parts I like the most, huh?! Fruits actually do sound good and I think I’m coming out of the really intense phase of it now thankfully! Appreciate the tips! 🙂

  5. Oh Emma, I’ve been so busy this week I haven’t had a chance to visit and comment. I’ve so enjoyed your writing this month. So vulnerable and real!
    And I’m over-the-moon excited for he new baby.
    Btw, I’m convinced that our cravings are reflected in our kids’ personalities! Try documenting them for fun. I.e With one I craved oranges (she has such a zest for life). With another, I craved hot fudge sundaes w peanuts (he’s the clown of the family). And with another, I craved steak! (she’s the go-getter). I won’t mention the emotionally-constipated child where I craved crackers and cheese 😜

    This too shall pass. I promise!

    1. Ha that made me laugh! I’ll have to look back on the foods I craved for the others and see if I can draw any connections! Appreciated reading your wisdom this month – what a massive effort!

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