
It all began almost four years ago now… I was looking for a way to preserve memories, to collect experiences and celebrate family. Like all good things that apparently seem to stick, I rejected the idea when Dave first suggested it, but gradually began to catch a vision for it.

Eli was just a toddler – making up silly songs and rhymes. He looked up at me one day and said in a sing song voice with a huge smile on his face: “One day… there was a very. cranky. mummy!” We both burst into laughter and it caught on somehow.

This blog was borne.

I feel so privileged to have a space in which to catalogue and process the journey of our family, not to mention my own delving into self-discovery. Writing has always been a thing of beauty, but I had let it slide for years, not realising the loss until I found it again. It has, in many ways, been my saving grace.

This post is part of a link up with an amazing community of writers at Five Minute Friday. We free write for five minutes each Friday on a prompt. This week’s prompt is ‘collect’. Join us!

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  1. I always wondered how your title came to be. Blogs are great ways to collect moments and I find that Five Minute Friday especially helps me to collect them in ways that I never thought I would.

    1. How great is the FMF framework for connecting writers and keeping us on track? Collecting moments is such a great and worthwhile thing xx

    1. I only realised recently that other people really had no idea on the origins of a name that had been around so long for me that I didn’t even really see it anymore 🙂

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